Wednesday, August 21, 2013

Hopeless History 101: Intro to Blogging

To commemorate the dawning of my senior year at The Ohio State University, I’ve decided to launch a blatant resume-boosting initiative: This blog. A few admirably optimistic individuals have told me that the job prospects for a History major are “hopeless,” so I decided to carve out this little niche for my hopeless musings on various happenings throughout human history.

The assumption that this undertaking will be of any benefit beyond my own entertainment and historical curiosity rests on my hopeless expectation that someone is reading all of this. Regardless of readership, I’ll write about several quirky, hopefully-entertaining bits of history; ranging from politics, to sports, to music, to Teddy Roosevelt.

In the typical catch-all fashion of a twenty-one year old who chose a liberal arts degree with an undefined career path, I may choose to cover a singular, fascinating historical event one day (Christmas Truce of 1914, anyone?) and then explain in my next post why your tenth grade neighbor’s assertion that Lebron James is the greatest basketball player of all time is unequivocally incorrect.

Wilt to Michael: "So my neighbor came up to me the other day..."
Sometimes I’ll simply post a few thought-provoking historical photographs—after all, a picture is worth a thousand words and I am getting paid by the character… Just kidding, I don’t make jack. Maybe someday, but for now I’m just a Hopeless History Major.

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